History of the Doctoral Academy Consortium
2021: Change of director, now Axel Maas
2020: Relabelling as "Theoretical Particle Physics"
2019: End of the FWF program and reformation as founding doctoral academy consortium "Hadrons in Vacuum, Nuclei and Stars", change of director, now Reinhard Alkofer
2015: Third prolongation
2012: Second prolongation
2009: First prolongation, change of director, now Christof Gattringer
2006: Foundation as the FWF graduate school "Hadrons in Vacuum, Nuclei and Stars", founding director: Reinhard Alkofer
Previous educational events
- Graduate Days “Functional Renormalisation Group” (November 21-22, 2024)
- Graduate Days "QFT and solid states physics" (May 27-28, 2024)
- Graduate Days "Structure in Jets and Hadronic Final States" (January 25-26, 2024)
- Graduate Days "Exotic hadrons" (June 1-2, 2023)
- Graduate Days "Quantum computing" (January 26-27, 2023)
- Graduate Days "Neutrino physics" (June 2-3, 2022)
- Graduate Days "QCD at high temperatures and densities" (October 12-13, 2021)
- Graduate Days "Modern trends" (May 25-27, 2021)
- Graduate Days "Flavor Physics" (May 16-17, 2019)
- Symposium "Particle Physics" (February 26-28, 2018)
- Graduate Days "Neutron stars" (November 23-24, 2017)
- Graduate Days "Quantum gravity" (March 30-31, 2017)
- Graduate Days "The 750 GeV excess" (June 2-3, 2016)
- Graduate Days "Heavy-ion physics" (November 26-27, 2015)
- Lecture Series "Topology of gauge fields off and on the lattice" (M. Müller-Preussker, June 22-25, 2015)
- Graduate Days "Strong QED" (June 18-19, 2015)
- Graduate Days "Large N" (December 18-19, 2014)
Former PhD students in the Doctoral Academy Consortium, ordered by their graduation date:
- Sean Mee, "Collider phenomenology of strongly interacting dark matter" (Supervisor: Suchita Kulkarni)
- Fabian Zierler: "Lattice studies of Sp(4) as a candidate Dark Matter theory" (Supervisor: Axel Maas)
- Bernd Riederer: "On Gauge-Scalar-Theories: The many aspects of the Brout-Englert-Higgs effect" (Supervisor: Axel Maas)
- Vincenzo Afferrante: "Gauge invariant spectra of theories with BEH effect" (Supervisor: Axel Maas)
- Oliver Orasch: "Simulation strategies for fermions and topological terms" (Supervisor: Christof Gattringer)
- Walid Mian: "β-decay of hadrons in a first principle approach" (Supervisor: Axel Maas)
- Daniel Göschl: "Dual simulations in 2-dimensional lattice field theories" (Supervisor: Christof Gattringer)
- Ángel Miramontes-López: "Non-valence contributions in a Poincaré covariant Bethe-Salpeter approach" (Supervisor: Reinhard Alkofer)
- Marco Catillo: "Dirac eigenmodes and symmetries in QCD" (Supervisor: Leonid Glozman)
- Thomas Kloiber: "Dual Approach to Lattice Field Theories" (Supervisor: Christof Gattringer)
- Romain Contant: "Phase structures of QCD and QCD-like theories" (Supervisor: Markus Huber)
- Christian Rohrhofer: "Symmetries of QCD at high temperature" (Supervisor: Leonid Glozman)
- Carlotta Marchis: "Abelian color cycle and abelian color flux dualization methods for non-abelian lattice field theories" (Supervisor: Christof Gattringer)
- Jordi Paris-Lopez: "Systematic comparison between non-perturbative functional methods in low-energy QCD models" (Supervisor: Reinhard Alkofer)
- Ouraman Hajizadeh: "QCD-like theories on the lattice and their applications" (Supervisor: Axel Maas)
- Ju-Hyun Jung: "Non-Valence Contributions to the Electromagnetic Structure of the Nucleon and the Delta" (Supervisor: Wolfgang Schweiger)
- Mario Giuliani: "Density of States and other approaches to finite density lattice field theory" (Supervisor: Christof Gattringer)
- Pascal Törek: "The physical spectrum of theories with a Brout-Englert-Higgs effect" (Supervisor: Axel Maas)
- Adrian Blum: "Three-gluon vertex and quark-gluon vertex functions in the Landau gauge" (Supervisor: Reinhard Alkofer)
- Regina Schmidt: "Masses and Decay Widths of Hadron Resonances with Explicit Pionic Contributions" (Supervisor: Willibald Plessas)
- Stefan Kofler: "Parton Distributions: Applications and Models" (Supervisor: Wolfgang Schweiger)
- Daniel Kupelwieser: "Pion Cloud Effects in the Electromagnetic Nucleon Structure" (Supervisor: Wolfgang Schweiger)
- Ana Juricic: "The QCD Phase Diagram with Generalized Susceptibilities in Finite Volume" (Supervisor: Bernd-Jochen Schaefer)
- Hans Peter Schadler: "Understanding strongly interacting matter at finite temperature and density from lattice QCD calculations" (Supervisor: Christof Gattringer)
- Christian Kohlfürst: "Electron-Positron Pair Production in Structured Pulses of Electric Fields" (Supervisor: Reinhard Alkofer)
- Mikhail Denissenya: "Restoration of SU(2)L x SU(2)R x U(1)A and Emergence of SU(4) Symmetry in Hadrons" (Supervisor: Leonid Glozman)
- Milan Vujinovic: "Vertices and Bound States in Strongly Interacting Theories" (Supervisor: Reinhard Alkofer)
- Alexander Schmidt: "Solving the sign problem of lattice theories using dual transformations and exploring their phase structure at finite density" (Supervisor: Christof Gattringer)
- Markus Hopfer: "Gauge Theories: QCD and Beyond, Aspects of Quark Physics: From the Phase Transition to B-Meson Decays" (Supervisor: Reinhard Alkofer)
- Valentina Verduci: "Pion-Nucleon Scattering in Lattice QCD" (Supervisor: Christian Lang)
- Andreas Windisch: "Features of strong quark correlations at vanishing and non-vanishing density" (Supervisor: Reinhard Alkofer)
- Valentin Mader: "Signals of Confinement in the Dyson-Schwinger Equation for the Gauge Boson Propagator" (Supervisor: Reinhard Alkofer)
- Vasily Sazonov: "Chiral Symmetry Properties of Dense Matter and Excited States" (Supervisor: Leonid Glozman)
- Joseph Day: "Approaches to Non-Perturbative Problems in Hadron Physics" (Supervisor: Willibald Plessas)
- Mario Schröck: "Dynamical Chiral Symmetry Breaking and Confinement: Its Interrelation and Effects on the Hadron Mass Spectrum" (Supervisor: Christian Lang)
- Ydalia Delgado Mercado (Supervisor: Christof Gattringer)
- Maria Gomez Rocha (Supervisor: Wolfgang Schweiger)
- Mario Mitter: "Phases of Strongly-Interacting Matter with Functional Methods" (Supervisor: Reinhard Alkofer)
- Tina Herbst: "Polyakov Loops and the QCD Phase Structure" (Supervisor: Bernd-Jochen Schaefer)
- Georg Engel (Supervisor: Christian Lang)
- Helios Sanchis-Alepuz: "Baryon properties and glueballs from Poincare-covariant bound-state equations" (Supervisor: Reinhard Alkofer)
- Julia Danzer (Supervisor: Christof Gattringer)
- Ki-Seok Choi (Supervisor: Willibald Plessas)
- Florian Hebenstreit: "Schwinger effect in inhomogeneous electric fields" (Supervisor: Reinhard Alkofer)
- Martina Blank: "Properties of quarks and mesons in the Dyson-Schwinger/Bethe-Salpeter approach"(Supervisor: Andreas Krassnigg)
- Markus Limmer (Supervisor: Christian Lang)
- Elmar Biernat (Supervisor: Wolfgang Schweiger)
- Peter Pippan (Supervisor: Christof Gattringer)
- Klaus Lichtenegger: "Aspects of Confinement in a Functional Approach to Coulomb Gauge QCD" (Supervisor: Reinhard Alkofer)
- Katharina Vogt (Supervisor: Willibald Plessas)
- Markus Huber: "On gauge fixing aspects of the infrared behavior of Yang-Mills Green functions" (Supervisor: Reinhard Alkofer)
- Selym Villalba-Chavez: "Symmetry and Functional Aspects in Quantum Field Theory" (Supervisor: Reinhard Alkofer)
- Alexander Goritschnig (Supervisor: Wolfgang Schweiger)
- Daniel Mohler: “Properties of excited hadrons from lattice QCD” (Supervisor: Christof Gattringer)
- Gernot Eichmann: "Hadron properties from QCD bound-state equations"(Supervisor: Reinhard Alkofer)
- Erek Bilgici: “Signatures of confinement and chiral symmetry breaking in spectral quantities of lattice Dirac operators” (Supervisor: Christof Gattringer)
- Philipp Huber (Supervisor: Christian Lang)
- Markus Kloker: "The QCD Quark Propagator in Coulomb Gauge and some Implications for Hadronic Physics" (Supervisor: Reinhard Alkofer)
- Wolfgang Ortner (Supervisor: Christian Lang)
- Bianka Sengl (Supervisor: Willibald Plessas)